Easing into Fall

I entered this September differently than I ever have before as I’m returning from my first one-month sabbatical from work. This was the first time in my career that I allowed myself an extensive break to simply be. The weeks quickly filled with birthday celebrations, a family vacation, a memorial service, and some much-needed alone […]
11 Secrets of Happy People
Have you ever met a person who seems to good to be true? Someone who is so kind and generous and happy that it makes you pause? Not only do those people exist but it’s possible to be one of them. 11 Secrets of Happy People has a great list of ways you can be […]
Black women, depression & suicide
Margo Jefferson writes poignantly about her depression and thoughts of suicide. It’s not limited to the middle/upper class though. ow many Black women do you know who suffer from depression? Are you one of them? Whether it manifests as not being able to get out of bed, avoiding friends and family, or living without joy, […]
Honoring ancestors doesn’t mean breaking our backs!
It’s interesting that Women’s History month is on the heals of Black History month. Two months devoted to honoring and remembering those who came before us and sacrificed for us. There are plenty of famous living and deceased people who we can remember and honor but what about those in our own lives? Our own grandmothers […]
I Have Superpowers. And So Do You.
I have superpowers. That’s right, bonafide, cape-wearing, extra strength superpowers that make me extraordinary. I know that I’m not supposed to talk about how fantastic I am. I’m supposed to second guess and doubt myself, worry all of the time, and focus solely on others. I’m not supposed to talk about the ways that me […]