I have superpowers. That’s right, bonafide, cape-wearing, extra strength superpowers that make me extraordinary.

I know that I’m not supposed to talk about how fantastic I am. I’m supposed to second guess and doubt myself, worry all of the time, and focus solely on others. I’m not supposed to talk about the ways that me being me is awesome and powerful and necessary in this world. As a woman I’m supposed to deny my superpowers and downplay my abilities. But I turned 40 this year and I just don’t have time for that ish anymore.

My superpower is being a secret catcher. People like to tell me their secrets. They don’t mean to they just do. When I’m at the bank talking to the teller, at the grocery store in the checkout line, or hanging out at a party — wherever I am people are attracted to me and want to tell me their secrets. I don’t do anything special. I’m just being me. Simply by existing my superpowers radiate and people share their fears and secrets with me.

Some people may find this a little nutty and perhaps a lot arrogant. Maybe it is a little nutty but arrogant it is not. I’m simply stating a fact. You see I didn’t do anything to acquire my superpowers. God gave them to me. I was born with them and they have always been within me. Just like you were born with yours.

If I’m going to help you uncover your superpowers then I need to be more open and honest about my own. No longer can I dim my light because of fear and doubt of how others will perceive me. As women we have enough working against us, we don’t need to add to it. But we also have these incredible powers within us that are life and world changing when they are fully unleashed.

Think about it — what could you do, what could you create if you let yourself go? If you dove feet first in a Stella Got Her Groove Back kind of way and unleashed your superpowers from within — what could you do in this world?

My superpowers are best spent helping women uncover the muck that has been heaped on us over the centuries. Because when we get rid of the nonsense that attacks us and holds us back then we can be as great as we were designed to be. So, won’t you join me on this journey to unleashing the SuperWoman within?

I want to hear from you! I read every comment and want to know:

Let’s Learn. Change. Grow. together!

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