Give Yourself a Time Out!

So often kids are given a time-out for acting up or acting out. Maybe they’re irritable, tired, or hungry. But as parents, teachers, and eye witnesses know, they just aren’t acting right! So they go to time-out, cool off, take time away from the stressful situation and regroup. There are some simple lessons for us […]

Upcoming Workshops at The Ladipo Group

“There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela Many of us make New Year’s resolutions. But the real struggle comes in keeping them! Join us for our 2014 Winter Workshop Series to help you […]

Therapist Heal Thyself, Part 2

I went to my therapy session armed with a notebook and pen. I expected to leave the session full of emotion and recommendations and I didn’t want to miss a thing. Driving to her office I felt a mixture of nervousness, excitement, and anticipation. I knew what I wanted to talk about and it felt like […]

$4500 Retreat?!? Try an inexpensive at-home retreat instead

Yesterday I came across CNN’s 10 Calming Wellness Retreats. I was excited to read their suggestions and see what I could incorporate into my life. Instead I was shocked to realize that they were listing world-class luxury vacations and not retreats. According to Merriam-Webster a retreat is “a place of privacy or safety” or “a […]