Want New Opportunities? Close Some Doors!

Why is it so hard for us to say no to one thing so that we can say yes to another? Are we stuck on this concept that we can have everything that we want all of the time? Do we really believe that we can have absolutely everything without making sacrifices? When my husband […]

Working Hard doesn’t Make Self-Care Impossible

Recently someone questioned if I was being hypocritical talking about self-care because I work hard and have high standards for myself and others. I realized a fundamental misunderstanding (or perhaps just difference of opinion) in her statement. Self-care isn’t about total relaxation all of the time. In fact it’s the opposite. Self-care is about re-energizing […]

Make a Summer of Fun Instead of Regret

With summer unofficially here it’s time to prepare for the season. As you have more responsibilities (career, children, partners, homes, etc.) relaxation and enjoyment doesn’t just happen. You have to actively prepare and plan for it. Rather than kick yourself at the end of the summer with a long list of “I wish I had” […]

A Ride or Die Crew is Good Self-Care!

Nothing says self-care like surrounding yourself with people who want the best for you! These are the friends, co-workers, family members, and partners who truly want you to succeed in life. There are plenty of naysayers around which is why having someone in your corner is essential to a good life. These people, your ride […]

Transition is Hard! Change your Clothes to Make it Easier

Moving from one activity to the next can be really challenging. Though it may seem simple, switching gears from work to break time to work and then home is a difficult one. Different roles require different parts of ourselves to be at the forefront. The outspoken leader at work may require a shift when coming home […]