Moving from one activity to the next can be really challenging. Though it may seem simple, switching gears from work to break time to work and then home is a difficult one. Different roles require different parts of ourselves to be at the forefront. The outspoken leader at work may require a shift when coming home to a partnership and family.  When it’s time to switch roles and tasks try changing your clothes to help with the transition.

Change your clothes to change your mindset.

Put on sneakers when it’s time to go for a walk around the block during your working day. When you come home from work take off your work clothes and put on play clothes. Making this change isn’t just for comfort but also to signal that it’s time for your body and your mind to do a new activity. The few minutes that it takes to change clothes gives you time to slow down and think about what you are going to do next. It forces you to turn off the autopilot and be more present and focused on the present task or relationship.

Tell us, how do you shift gears and transition from activity to activity? Let’s learn from each other!

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