More Black Woman’s Syndrome

by Lexx Brown-James I have discussed Black Woman’s Syndrome before. It’s the need that Black women have to take care of everything and everyone with little or no regard for themselves that is perpetuated by fear of failing someone, anyone, anything. I have discovered something else, how the myth of “strength” and “being strong” exacerbates […]

Slowing Down with a Summer Cold

Today I woke up with a tickle in my throat and a determination not to let this turn into a full summer cold. I thought about all of the calls and emails and busy work that I had to do before seeing my clients. I could rush to work and try to cross everything off […]

Time Alone, the Hard Way

I have wanted, no needed, some alone time for a couple of weeks now. Last week I started to make plans to carve out a morning where I would be responsible for no one or no thing. A morning during Memorial Day weekend was my plan. It’s a three-day weekend and I would get what […]