Want New Opportunities? Close Some Doors!

Why is it so hard for us to say no to one thing so that we can say yes to another? Are we stuck on this concept that we can have everything that we want all of the time? Do we really believe that we can have absolutely everything without making sacrifices? When my husband […]

Silence Prevents Us from Healing – Lessons from Maya Angelou

When I first heard Maya Angelou speak I was captivated by her strength and openness to talk about her life as a Black woman. Yet she spent six years of her life in silence. How many of us within the Black community are living in silence? Keeping secrets that don’t need to be kept, worries […]

Transition is Hard! Change your Clothes to Make it Easier

Moving from one activity to the next can be really challenging. Though it may seem simple, switching gears from work to break time to work and then home is a difficult one. Different roles require different parts of ourselves to be at the forefront. The outspoken leader at work may require a shift when coming home […]

Juggling Tips for Superwomen

Superwomen are used to juggling an enormous amount of responsibility and tasks at any given moment. Though they may be tired, overwhelmed, and even frustrated they keep juggling until something eventually drops. Whether you have too many responsibilities, don’t have enough support, or just because you’re human, at some point you’ll drop the ball. You […]

Asking for Help is an Act of Self-Care

Many of us are overwhelmed and busy running around trying to meet all of our responsibilities. And we often overlook the one thing that can bring us instant relief. Asking for help. As simple as is may sound it’s not always easy. Asking for help means admitting that you can’t do it all by your […]