$4500 Retreat?!? Try an inexpensive at-home retreat instead
Yesterday I came across CNN’s 10 Calming Wellness Retreats. I was excited to read their suggestions and see what I could incorporate into my life. Instead I was shocked to realize that they were listing world-class luxury vacations and not retreats. According to Merriam-Webster a retreat is “a place of privacy or safety” or “a […]
Slowing Down with a Summer Cold
Today I woke up with a tickle in my throat and a determination not to let this turn into a full summer cold. I thought about all of the calls and emails and busy work that I had to do before seeing my clients. I could rush to work and try to cross everything off […]
Lexx’s Hairstory
At the age of 2 my mother gave me a relaxer. I did not have hair up until she game me the relaxer, I have no idea how it worked, but it did. Then growing up, in a predominantly, culture of power communicty I wore braids. My mother and I would drive one Saturday to […]
Tonya’s Hairstory
Like many little Black girls my age I had pressed and then relaxed hair as a child. My mom always used a hot comb that sat on the stove top and I would sit in our orange kitchen chair dreading the whole process. When I became of age, about 10 years old for my house, […]