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Signs It’s Time to Take a Mental Health Break

Signs It’s Time to Take a Mental Health Break

When we’re feeling overwhelmed, our mind and body will often give us clues that we need rest. Unfortunately, we don’t always prioritize our needs, or we don’t take the signals seriously.

In a recent episode of the Managing Well podcast, Dr. Argie Allen-Wilson shares, “I see so many people that didn’t realize they needed a mental health day until they needed a mental health year.”

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be time for a mental health break: 

  • You’re easily irritated.
  • You’re withdrawing from family, friends, and work.
  • You’re unmotivated.
  • You’re always fatigued.
  • You’re not optimistic about most things.
  • You don’t enjoy things you used to enjoy.

Making time for meaningful rest can help to improve your emotional well-being, which could provide a sense of clarity and help you recharge. 

It’s important to remember that taking care of oneself is not a luxury, but a necessity. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, stress, and even physical illness.

Here are some steps you can take to integrate self-care into your daily routine. 

  • Find a therapist to talk to.
  • Journal about how you’re feeling.
  • Practice meditation to reduce stress.
  • Spend time in nature, eg. go for a walk.
  • Take time off from work or plan a staycation.
  • Know who and what brings you joy and put more energy there. Set boundaries with friends, family, and people at work, as appropriate.

Ultimately, making time for self-care is a choice that requires intentional effort and a willingness to prioritize one’s well-being. By recognizing the importance of self-care and taking steps to incorporate it into your daily life, you can reap the benefits of greater physical, emotional, and mental health.

The Ladipo Group was founded to increase access to Black therapists in Philadelphia and decrease the stigma of mental health treatment. With our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consulting we collaborate with organizations and institutions to create equitable spaces and opportunities for Black, Brown and African Americans to thrive.