Why I’m Not a Feminist
The Washington Post article by Alexandra Petri, Sorry Megyn I am pretty sure you’re a feminist is a perfect example of why I am not a feminist. In the article she commented on a television interview and declared Megyn Kelly a feminist. This is after Ms. Kelly very clearly said that she was NOT a […]
Secret to Self-Care without being Selfish
I used to go straight from work to pick up my children at school. They would rush to hug me with dirty hands, there would be the loud chatter of a school, and they would immediately launch into telling me about their day. I was on sensory overload and all I wanted to do was […]
Be Kind, Not Nice
I stopped being nice several years ago. It left me drained and constantly lacking in relationships so I decided to stop being nice. For me being nice felt like a one-way street. I did what I thought would make other people happy. Sometimes I was right and my “niceness” would make them happy. And many […]
What do you owe and to whom?
Have you ever lost yourself in a relationship? I mean lost yourself in a way that you or people who know you don’t recognize. Where you look in the mirror, or someone says, “Who are you because you’re not the person that I know.” We have all been in relationships that don’t work. And the reasons […]
Celebrating All Love on Feb. 14th
Some people love Valentine’s Day and eagerly await its approach after New Year’s celebrations are over. Honestly, this is probably the greeting card, floral, candy, and jewelry industries but I’m sure that there are some people too! Others dread the day and many people are indifferent. I tend to fall into the latter category. When […]