3 Easy Steps to Creating Work-Life Balance

Many of us dream about a work-life balance but don’t know where to begin to make it a reality. Consider making one or two small changes in your day and you will soon be on your way to a more balanced and rewarding life. Step #1 – Start taking a non-smoking cigarette break! Get all […]

The Grief of Joy

Have you ever found yourself sad or melancholy when you’re supposed to be happy? Wonder why you’re feeling down when everyone else is excited for you? Even with joyous and exciting events there is often grief and sadness of change and what you’re moving on from. Read More . . .

The Unnamed Victims of Violence

The death of the son of NFL star Adrian Peterson reminds us that children are the silent victims of domestic violence. They don’t have adult voices but many times they have to deal with adult problems. If you have or know a child in the midst of a violent relationship consider these tools and resources […]

Being a Minority in a Majority World

As Black women we don’t always identify and discuss the daily stress and pressures of racism and discrimination. We know that it’s there we just don’t often dwell on it or put words to it. We’re prepared for and have experienced sales people following us in stores. But what about the other interactions throughout our […]

Say No Like You Mean It

Do you ever find yourself saying Yes when you should be saying No? Do you kick yourself for agreeing to something that you have no time or interest in doing? Are you resentful because you said yes when you should have said no? Then it’s time to learn how to say no! This isn’t an […]