Want Great Relationships? Start with yourself!
If relationships are hard work then why is the relationship with yourself any different? The idea that you will automatically love and be kind to yourself is false. It takes work and effort just like it does in any other relationship. When your partner asks you to do a last minute errand during your already […]
A Ride or Die Crew is Good Self-Care!
Nothing says self-care like surrounding yourself with people who want the best for you! These are the friends, co-workers, family members, and partners who truly want you to succeed in life. There are plenty of naysayers around which is why having someone in your corner is essential to a good life. These people, your ride […]
Transition is Hard! Change your Clothes to Make it Easier
Moving from one activity to the next can be really challenging. Though it may seem simple, switching gears from work to break time to work and then home is a difficult one. Different roles require different parts of ourselves to be at the forefront. The outspoken leader at work may require a shift when coming home […]
Juggling Tips for Superwomen
Superwomen are used to juggling an enormous amount of responsibility and tasks at any given moment. Though they may be tired, overwhelmed, and even frustrated they keep juggling until something eventually drops. Whether you have too many responsibilities, don’t have enough support, or just because you’re human, at some point you’ll drop the ball. You […]
Endless Winter
It has been a long and seemingly endless winter! It feels like we’ll never have warmth and sunlight again. This winter mirrors how many of us feel when life is hard and overwhelming and it feels as though it will never change. Read more . . .