Solving the Superwoman Complex
Many women suffer from what I consider the Superwoman Complex. They juggle many responsibilities and roles, strive for perfection, and look like they have it all. Yet there is a significant cost to the image of having it all together all of the time. Perfection is impossible. And striving for perfection gives you a constant […]
Make your Mama Proud!
Since the beginning of 2014 The Ladipo Group posts Self-Care Monday Tips on social media each Monday as a way to support and encourage you to care for yourself as well as you care for others. As we celebrate Women’s Month this March I think about the incredible women who did not have the choice and opportunities that […]
Don’t Forget these 2 People on Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day can be hard for those not in intimate relationships or in relationships that are challenging or even in danger. Rather than deal with the pressure to celebrate the love of lovers consider celebrating two often forgotten but very important relationships this Friday! The love of friends is critical crucial to our well-being. Friends are the people who […]
How to Maintain Your Relationship When One Person Changes
I am excited to share that I was recently accepted to be a Topic Expert on This month I share ways to continue your relationship and stay connected to your partner even when one person changes. Over the course of a long-term relationship, you are bound to change. But self-growth doesn’t necessarily have to […]
Be Kind, Not Nice
I stopped being nice several years ago. It left me drained and constantly lacking in relationships so I decided to stop being nice. For me being nice felt like a one-way street. I did what I thought would make other people happy. Sometimes I was right and my “niceness” would make them happy. And many […]