Ep 31: Relationship-Building – When Conflict Happens with Elizabeth Byrne (Part 2)

When there’s conflict at work, the strength of workplace relationships will be challenged. In part two of our relationship-building episode series, Tonya and counselor Elizabeth Byrne discuss how to approach conflict without harming people on your team. Listen to Episode Watch on YouTube Key Takeaways: If there’s one thing we can guarantee in the workplace […]
Ep 30: Relationship-Building – Set the Foundation with Elizabeth Byrne (Part 1)

In a 4-part episode series on the Managing Well podcast, Tonya Ladipo talks with licensed counselor Elizabeth Byrne about relationship-building and cultivating healthy connections in the workplace. Your ability to make sure your team feels valued and heard begins with the work culture. In this episode, we start the conversation by discussing how to set […]
Ep 29: Workplace Wellness & Equity in Healthcare with Tonya Ladipo

On September 13th and September 21st, Tonya Ladipo is hosting a virtual healthcare symposium, “Workplace Wellness & Equity in Healthcare.” In this episode, Tonya talks about growing up as the daughter of an emergency room physician, the significance of the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action ruling, and why the healthcare industry needs to stay committed to […]
Ep. 28: Managing Allyship Fatigue with Farah Harris

Guilt, shame, and uncertainty about the right thing to say or do has been described as allyship fatigue when it comes to learning the history and day-to-day experiences of people from underrepresented communities. As a leader in your organization, do you avoid the tough conversations, or do you lean into them? In this episode, we […]
Ep 27: Moments of Courageous Leadership with Tonya Ladipo

People leadership requires courage. Think of a time you had to make tough decisions even when your employees disagreed. How did that impact you? What was the impact on the team? How did everyone ‘recover’ and continue working together? In this week’s episode of Managing Well, Tonya Ladipo reflects on how she made it through […]