Procrastination = Stress

We live in a time where there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. Sometimes rather than tackle our to-do list we avoid it. Then we feel overwhelmed which leads to more stress and more procrastination. It becomes an endless cycle. do thing you dread in AM~ only spend 20 min […]

Listening for Love

Communication is a buzz word that’s often used but typically not understood. When it comes to relationships communication is more than listening and talking. In relationships with people we care about communication is a way to connect with another person. It can create intimacy and draw people closer together. This happens by exchanging inforamation (listening […]

Uncover the Goodness of You

Though it’s only the second week of January the twinkling lights of the holiday season is quickly seeming like a distant memory. Less than 2 weeks ago people were making promises of what they would change in their lives to become a better person. You don’t need to create a new and improved you. You […]

Making Resolutions that Stick

This time of year is filled with renewal, hope, and plans for 2015. We’re focused on the possibilities of the New Year and the chance to accomplish what we didn’t in 2014. But 92%* of people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions. By mid-February the gyms aren’t as full and resolutions fall by the wayside. […]

I Have Superpowers. And So Do You.

I have superpowers. That’s right, bonafide, cape-wearing, extra strength superpowers that make me extraordinary. I know that I’m not supposed to talk about how fantastic I am. I’m supposed to second guess and doubt myself, worry all of the time, and focus solely on others. I’m not supposed to talk about the ways that me […]