I’m Disgusted by Psychology Today

This is an open letter to Psychology Today: I am disgusted by Psychology Today. Racism is alive and well in our country and in our media, that’s no surprise. The fact that a researcher, Satoshi Kanazawa used “science” (faulty science and research) to promote his own racist ideas and agenda is not a surprise either. […]

Sistah Gurls

by Lexx Brown-James In the May issue of Essence is dedicated to the importance of gilrfriends. You know those sistah gurls, ultimate homies, real chicks, and beloved support systems that women tend to have. She’s the friend who tells you that outfit doesn’t work, hates the person that hurt you with a passion and let’s […]

Black Woman’s Syndrome

by Lexx Brown-James So, it’s 3.30a.m in the morning and as I type this I am pretty sure that everyone in this hemisphere is sleeping. Everyone, but me and people like me that is. As a Black woman I find that there never seems be enough time to do what is demanded, needed, expected and/or […]

Listening to Love

by Tonya Ladipo Why is it that it is so easy to hear and accept criticism from people who do not care about us or worse are mean to us? Many years ago an older, Black woman pulled me aside and very clearly told me not to listen to people who don’t love me. “But […]

Real Warriors Cry

by Tonya Ladipo Warrior (n.) “a person who fights in battles and is known for having courage and skill” or “a person who shows or has shown great vigor or courage.” Many of my clients are warriors though they seldom see themselves this way. They fight many battles, sometimes externally and sometimes internally, and they […]