Charleston’s Trauma is Our Trauma

I’ve avoided writing and even talking about the massacre in Charleston last week. I was on vacation when I found out and all I wanted to do was stick my head in the sand and pretend that it didn’t happen. And since then the emotions have come in waves for me. From sadness to grief […]

Self-Reflection & Compassion for 2014

With 2015 around the corner it’s the time most of us are reviewing this past year. Successes may not be as easy to recall as the hurtful or challenging times. It’s the painful moments and missed opportunities that first rises to the surface of our mind. Before you dig yourself into a hole of sorrow […]

When the Holiday Season Isn’t So Joyful

Grief, depression, financial and employment concerns can make the holiday season less than joyous. It can feel like the darkness will never end. Here’s how to get by until the light returns . . . 

Stay Close to People who Want Goodness for You

A few weeks ago I wrote about the simple joys in life. Finding joy, gratitude, and pleasure throughout the day regardless of what happens to you. Since then I’ve had times when it’s hard to chose which joy to write about and other times when I’m struggling to think of one simple joy. I know […]

Unsuspecting Victims of Suicide

The recent suicides of Robin Williams and Karyn Washington remind us of the darkness that some people can’t see their way out of. Whether it’s depression, hopelessness, or mental illness the impact of suicide has a far-reaching effect. Too often the unnamed victims, the families and friends of the deceased are forgotten. Read more . […]