11 Secrets of Happy People

Have you ever met a person who seems to good to be true? Someone who is so kind and generous and happy that it makes you pause? Not only do those people exist but it’s possible to be one of them.  11 Secrets of Happy People has a great list of ways you can be […]

Black women, depression & suicide

Margo Jefferson writes poignantly about her depression and thoughts of suicide. It’s not limited to the middle/upper class though. ow many Black women do you know who suffer from depression? Are you one of them? Whether it manifests as not being able to get out of bed, avoiding friends and family, or living without joy, […]

Charleston’s Trauma is Our Trauma

I’ve avoided writing and even talking about the massacre in Charleston last week. I was on vacation when I found out and all I wanted to do was stick my head in the sand and pretend that it didn’t happen. And since then the emotions have come in waves for me. From sadness to grief […]

Procrastination = Stress

We live in a time where there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. Sometimes rather than tackle our to-do list we avoid it. Then we feel overwhelmed which leads to more stress and more procrastination. It becomes an endless cycle. do thing you dread in AM~ only spend 20 min […]

Clearing Emotional Clutter

Spring cleaning can be more than clearing out our closets but a time of clearing out the emotional clutter of our lives. Emotional clutter is the constant chatter in your mind about everything that you should be doing. It’s the voice that replays old hurts and conversations. Emotional clutter may have been with you for a season […]