Don’t Believe the Hype! Change Your Feelings of Unworthiness
So often we get different and mixed messages from those who love us and the larger society. For every parent, sibling, or friend who supports and encourages us there are others telling us how unworthy, undeserving, or unlovable we are. And in spite of ourselves it can be easier to listen to the negativity and hurtful […]
Working Hard doesn’t Make Self-Care Impossible
Recently someone questioned if I was being hypocritical talking about self-care because I work hard and have high standards for myself and others. I realized a fundamental misunderstanding (or perhaps just difference of opinion) in her statement. Self-care isn’t about total relaxation all of the time. In fact it’s the opposite. Self-care is about re-energizing […]
Silence Prevents Us from Healing – Lessons from Maya Angelou
When I first heard Maya Angelou speak I was captivated by her strength and openness to talk about her life as a Black woman. Yet she spent six years of her life in silence. How many of us within the Black community are living in silence? Keeping secrets that don’t need to be kept, worries […]
Busy Women Need Breaks Too: The Joy of Asking for Help
For many women asking for help is foreign to them. They are so busy helping others that they don’t think to or even know how to ask for help themselves. Deborah Cohan (see video) gives us a wonderful example of asking for what we need. Moments before she goes into surgery for a double mastectomy […]
The Grief of Joy
Have you ever found yourself sad or melancholy when you’re supposed to be happy? Wonder why you’re feeling down when everyone else is excited for you? Even with joyous and exciting events there is often grief and sadness of change and what you’re moving on from. Read More . . .