Don’t Forget these 2 People on Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day can be hard for those not in intimate relationships or in relationships that are challenging or even in danger. Rather than deal with the pressure to celebrate the love of lovers consider celebrating two often forgotten but very important relationships this Friday!

The love of friends is critical crucial to our well-being. Friends are the people who encourage us, pick us up when we fall, and love us deeply. Celebrate the love of your friends:

  1. Send a letter, text, or e-mail telling them how you value their friendship. Wouldn’t it make your day to get a love letter from a friend? Give that feeling to your friend!
  2. Have a movie night to watch your favorite movies or television shows.
  3. Host a Valentine’s Day dinner (or weekend brunch) for your friends.

The love of yourself is usually not considered on Valentine’s Day or any day. But this Friday put yourself in the mix and offer love, and kindness to you! Try these simple ideas:

  1. Do what you want to do! Give yourself a night of doing what you enjoy. Read a book, take a bath, watch a movie. Do what pleases you!
  2. Give yourself a break! Build in two 15-minute breaks throughout your work day to slow down and breathe.
  3. Speak kindly to yourself. Stop the mean thoughts about yourself and only speak with kindness to yourself.

Whether you’re celebrating the love of friends, the love of yourself, or the love of lovers enjoy the day of love this Friday.

What are you doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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