If your organization’s gender inclusion policies don’t consider how intersectionality (race, gender expression, sexual orientation, and more) plays a role in conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace, you could fall short of creating an equitable workplace for women.

In the season finale podcast episode of Managing Well with Tonya Ladipo, we have an honest conversation with Wells Fargo’s Tiffany Tavarez & Tali Bray about the myth of imposter syndrome, gatekeeping, and what companies lose when women can’t show up as their whole selves.
After the episode, download our worksheet for tips on how you can show up as a better people manager and leader in your organization.
Reflection Questions:
- Impostor syndrome focuses on “fixing” women rather than fixing workplaces. What is your organization doing to expand (or change) the workplace culture to be welcoming to employees?
- Unless you are intentional about including all women (e.g. various races, religions, abilities, gender presentation), representation efforts default to centering White, able-bodied women. Does your organization consider all women when tracking the advancement of women? When measuring from an intersectional lens, is there a higher turnover rate for women?
- Gatekeeping is common, often unconscious, and negatively impacts people’s ability to grow their careers. As a people manager, consider the ways you may have previously excluded people from career growth opportunities. If you could have a do-over, what would you do differently?
Action Items:
- Silence is complicity. Speak up when you see your organization focusing only on some women rather than taking an intersectional approach.
- Lead by example. Schedule 30 minutes (or more) each month to proactively consider growth opportunities for people who have historically been excluded.
- Create influence maps. Identify influencers in the organization who can help change the workplace culture.
Additional Resources:
- Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome
- Women in the Workplace 2022
- Influence Maps
- What is Othering?
In the Managing Well podcast, host Tonya Ladipo talks wellness in the workplace with people leaders, mental health professionals, HR experts, and more. Click the link to subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes.