Ep 3: Emotional Intelligence 101 for Leadership with Elizabeth Byrne

What is emotional intelligence and why do effective leaders need it to be successful? In this episode of Managing Well with Tonya Ladipo, we talk about the basics of being a successful people manager and tools for self-reflection and taking action.


Tonya chats with licensed and board-certified counselor and consultant Elizabeth Byrne about the importance of leading your team with empathy and not fear.


After the episode, download our worksheet for tips on how you can show up as a better people manager and leader in your organization.






Reflection Questions:

  • Be intentional about how you want to show up to your team. What behaviors do I want to demonstrate with my team on a daily basis?
  • You can positively shift the culture of your team if everyone feels like your favorite team member. What do I need to do differently so everyone on my team feels valued?
  • As a manager, you have the ability and responsibility to create an emotionally safe workplace environment. What actions do you take that contribute to an emotionally safe workplace? What actions do you take that inhibit emotional safety at work?
  • Learn the career aspirations of each team member. What excites them about their current role? What skills can they learn in their current role that will propel them toward their next role?

Action Items:

  • Ensure that your team members have what they need to be successful in their roles. If you notice a team member is weak in one area but strong in another, don’t be afraid to reimagine their role.
  • Regularly source honest and actionable feedback. Ask peers, mentors, and your direct reports what you can do to improve your people management skills. Consider asking:
    a) What can I do to make your job easier?
    b) If you were in my role, what would you do differently?
    c) What would you recommend I do if I could change only one thing to be a better manager?
  • Affirm the wins! Send a quick email or text to say thank you or acknowledge when someone stepped outside of their comfort zone.
  • Be curious. Everyone has different communication styles. Use active listening skills and ask questions to better understand another perspective.
  • People are motivated when they understand how their work is connected to the larger picture. Cultivate buy-in from your team by clearly communicating the objectives and overall goal of each project.

Additional Resources:

On the Managing Well podcast, host Tonya Ladipo talks wellness in the workplace with people leaders, mental health professionals, HR experts, and more. Click the link to subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes.

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