Strength in Relying on Others

Asking for help can be uncomfortable and unfamiliar for some of us. Whether it’s our need to uphold our own superwoman identity or if we’ve felt that people aren’t there to help us, asking for help can be hard. Yet it’s necessary to keep your sanity in tact and even to strength relationships. People who […]

Listening for Love

Communication is a buzz word that’s often used but typically not understood. When it comes to relationships communication is more than listening and talking. In relationships with people we care about communication is a way to connect with another person. It can create intimacy and draw people closer together. This happens by exchanging inforamation (listening […]

You Get the Relationship You Work for, Not Deserve

As human beings were designed to desire connection and relationships. It’s essential to our basic human needs. We all want healthy relationships. We want people to treat us kindly and with respect. We want to feel cherished and loved. Whether the affection and intention comes from a partner, parent, child, friend, or sibling we all […]

Simple Joys

With Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the “shopping season” it’s easy to get distracted from what pulled us together just a few days ago on Thanksgiving. Many of us were celebrating and were grateful for the time with family and friends. Yet the constant bombardment of what you should buy overshadows the simple pleasures of […]

A Ride or Die Crew is Good Self-Care!

Nothing says self-care like surrounding yourself with people who want the best for you! These are the friends, co-workers, family members, and partners who truly want you to succeed in life. There are plenty of naysayers around which is why having someone in your corner is essential to a good life. These people, your ride […]