Procrastination = Stress

We live in a time where there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. Sometimes rather than tackle our to-do list we avoid it. Then we feel overwhelmed which leads to more stress and more procrastination. It becomes an endless cycle. do thing you dread in AM~ only spend 20 min […]

Clearing Emotional Clutter

Spring cleaning can be more than clearing out our closets but a time of clearing out the emotional clutter of our lives. Emotional clutter is the constant chatter in your mind about everything that you should be doing. It’s the voice that replays old hurts and conversations. Emotional clutter may have been with you for a season […]

When the Holiday Season Isn’t So Joyful

Grief, depression, financial and employment concerns can make the holiday season less than joyous. It can feel like the darkness will never end. Here’s how to get by until the light returns . . . 

Stay Close to People who Want Goodness for You

A few weeks ago I wrote about the simple joys in life. Finding joy, gratitude, and pleasure throughout the day regardless of what happens to you. Since then I’ve had times when it’s hard to chose which joy to write about and other times when I’m struggling to think of one simple joy. I know […]

$25 SOS for Women Workshop

$25 for our engaging and interactive workshop (Saturday November 1st 10:00am – 12:00pm) will teach you new tools to take a break from being superwoman and make time for who and what is important to you. Register Now! Life is busy . . . we can help you manage it. If you’re too busy taking care of […]