Help for Handling the Holiday Season

Many of us are dealing with the triple whammy of mood changes with decreased sunlight, stress about the upcoming holidays, and still navigating the pandemic and all that goes along with it. If daylight saving time is affecting your mood in your part of the U.S., you’re not alone. Starting and ending your day in […]
You Can’t be Everything to Everyone
I am beyond overwhelmed these days. I’m wrapping up an intense class that I’ve been taking since January. My work is expanding in ways that are stretching me. And I still need and want to be present for my family and friends. A good friend reminded me to take my own advice so as I sat down […]
How to Say No like a Boss and Still be a Lady
As women we get so tripped up in being nice that we don’t consider our own needs. We give automatic yeses to situations that require nos. We agonize over saying no. What will they think? What if they think I’m a b*itch? What if they don’t ask me again? runs through our heads. How many […]
Charleston’s Trauma is Our Trauma
I’ve avoided writing and even talking about the massacre in Charleston last week. I was on vacation when I found out and all I wanted to do was stick my head in the sand and pretend that it didn’t happen. And since then the emotions have come in waves for me. From sadness to grief […]
Strength in Relying on Others
Asking for help can be uncomfortable and unfamiliar for some of us. Whether it’s our need to uphold our own superwoman identity or if we’ve felt that people aren’t there to help us, asking for help can be hard. Yet it’s necessary to keep your sanity in tact and even to strength relationships. People who […]