We all can relate to wanting to be happy, but what does being happy really mean…and more importantly, how do we obtain it? According to Verywell Mind, happiness is defined as an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. If you’re in a constant state of dissatisfaction, here are six ways to spark happiness in moments when you’re feeling down. Dance. Practicing movement as a tool for therapy has been used on people who have experienced the most horrific trauma. In an article about the psychological benefits of dance therapy, they recall a time when U.K. psychologists visited Rwandan villagers to help heal genocidal trauma. After attempting to do talk therapy, they were asked to leave the village. “For Rwandan genocide survivors, rehashing their traumatic memories to a stranger while sitting in tiny rooms with no sunlight didn’t heal their wounds at all — it just poured salt on them, forcing them to relive the trauma over and over again.” According to the article, the people from the village were “used to singing and dancing beneath the sun in sync to spirited drumming while surrounded by friends. That’s how they healed from trauma and other mental ailments.” Rest. If you’re emotionally exhausted from navigating toxic workplaces, relationships, or the neverending news of injustice in our communities, give yourself permission to be still and do nothing. It’s important to give your mind and body time to recover. Listen to music. Is there a song that brings memories of a good time in your life? Find it and turn the volume up to put you in a good mood. Clean your space. The feeling of achievement is a great mood booster. Don’t think about the time it’ll take to fold your clothes or clean up the clutter in your house; focus on how you’ll feel once your space is more organized and clutter-free. The Ladipo Group was founded to increase access to Black therapists in Philadelphia and decrease the stigma of mental health treatment. With our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consulting we collaborate with organizations and institutions to create equitable spaces and opportunities for Black, Brown and African Americans to thrive. |
The Hidden Costs of Layoffs: How Poor Handling Destroys Trust, Morale, and Productivity
“I think I’m going to lose my job,” a colleague recently said to me. He had been with his company