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Home » 4 Simple Healthy Habits You Can Practice Daily

4 Simple Healthy Habits You Can Practice Daily

Guy Meditating in Office

Sometimes those self-care goals we create for ourselves can feel out of our reach with everything that’s on our to-do lists. If you’re feeling too tired and uninspired to take care of yourself, try taking baby steps to create health habits.

Making small changes to your daily routine can have a big impact on your physical, mental and emotional health. If you’re struggling to find peace and calm in your life, consider incorporating these simple healthy habits throughout your day.


4 Simple Healthy Habits You Can Practice Daily

  • Create 5 minutes of quiet time for yourself in the morning to sit, breathe, or read a passage that fills you. 
  • Curate your social media. Oftentimes we scroll through our phones and feel lousy. Review the people you follow and content you absorb and delete those that don’t add value to your mind. 
  • Eat food that fuels your body. This may take planning and prep time but it’s worth spending an extra 15 minutes to get food that energizes you. 
  • Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual. Use the digital wellness function on your phone to turn it off at a set time.