You Don’t Have to Be Friends to Work Well Together

It may seem counterintuitive to think we can spend 40 hours a week with people and not become friends. However, not everyone approaches work relationships the same way. Some people are perfectly fine keeping things professional, while others thrive on forming personal connections with their colleagues. The truth is, you don’t have to be friends to work well together.

EQ at work

Research shows that some of the most effective teams aren’t built on friendship but on clear, respectful communication and a shared focus on achieving goals. Conflict often arises when expectations go unspoken. One person’s desire to be friends with everyone on the team can clash with another’s focus on keeping work relationships strictly professional. This tension might make one person perceived as pushy, and the other perceived as cold or even mean. 

Self-reflection for the week

Use your reflections to understand better your expectations and how they might differ from those of your co-workers.

Ask yourself: How can I respect someone’s boundaries that are different than my own and still work well together?

Action for the week

Take a step back and observe your interactions with your co-workers this week. If you’re someone who tends to prioritize friendships at work, ask yourself:

  • What does friendship mean to me?

  • Why is it important to have friends at work?

  • Do I differentiate between personal and professional relationships?

If you’re someone who prefers to keep your work and professional lives separate, consider:

  • Do I differentiate between acquaintances and friends?

  • What does friendship mean to me?

  • How do you stay connected to colleagues in a way that honors your boundaries?

Understanding and respecting boundaries and setting clear expectations leads to stronger teamwork. When you focus on the work and respect everyone’s unique approach, you create a foundation of psychological safety.

Whether you’re eager to get to work because your bestie is there or logging on to get the job done, ultimately, it’s about workplaces where everyone’s boundaries and expectations are respected. 

Do you have a work bestie, acquaintance, or colleague who could benefit from these insights? Share this newsletter with them!

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