I am beyond overwhelmed these days. I’m wrapping up an intense class that I’ve been taking since January. My work is expanding in ways that are stretching me. And I still need and want to be present for my family and friends.
A good friend reminded me to take my own advice so as I sat down to journal I was reminded of the 4 D’s:
Delegate – Defer – Delete – Do
Instead of jumping into my seemingly endless to-do list I’m using the 4 D’s to alleviate some stress.
DELEGATE – Who else can do this instead of me?
It’s easy to get caught in the trap of believing that if you don’t do it it won’t be done. While it’s true at times, more often other people will step up when you step back. Give people a chance to step up by delegating and asking for their assitance.
DEFER – Does this need to happen right now?
Though you may feel urgency and stress around a task it doesn’t make it so. Sometimes waiting a few hours or even days gives you the time and clarity to approach the task in a simplier way.
DELETE – Does this need to happen at all?
Not everything is your responsibility. You can’t be everything to everyone all of the time. Perhaps this is a task or situation that you can delete or remove yourself from.
DO – What can I do to make this easier?
If you’re anything like me taking the easy way doesn’t come naturally! But it may not be as complicated as you think. Whatever “it” is may take up less head space if you just sit down and do it.
Tell us, when you’re overwhelmed what works for you to feel less stress? Share your thoughts in the comments section. Each one teach one. Let’s Learn. Change. Grow. together!