Unsuspecting Victims of Suicide

The recent suicides of Robin Williams and Karyn Washington remind us of the darkness that some people can’t see their way out of. Whether it’s depression, hopelessness, or mental illness the impact of suicide has a far-reaching effect. Too often the unnamed victims, the families and friends of the deceased are forgotten. Read more . […]

Catch It – Check It – Correct It: 3 Steps to Changing Self-Doubt

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spend time and energy on something (or someone) that isn’t good for you? Whether it’s seeing the seemingly perfect lives of everyone on Facebook or spending time with someone who constantly complains and criticizes it’s easy to find yourself in a situation that leaves you feeling empty […]

Choosing Joy in the Midst of Despair

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” Henri Nouwen It may seem odd to consider this on the day that Michael Brown’s family must bury their son. The murder, injustice, and despair can make joy seem impossible or certainly unattainable. And sadly Michael Brown no […]

Give Yourself a Time Out!

So often kids are given a time-out for acting up or acting out. Maybe they’re irritable, tired, or hungry. But as parents, teachers, and eye witnesses know, they just aren’t acting right! So they go to time-out, cool off, take time away from the stressful situation and regroup. There are some simple lessons for us […]

Don’t Believe the Hype! Change Your Feelings of Unworthiness

So often we get different and mixed messages from those who love us and the larger society. For every parent, sibling, or friend who supports and encourages us there are others telling us how unworthy, undeserving, or unlovable we are. And in spite of ourselves it can be easier to listen to the negativity and hurtful […]