Sometimes, Black History is about Healing

ICYMI: The Ladipo Group hosted a 4-part Twitter Spaces series, This Isn’t Just About Cosby in response to the documentary, We Need to Talk About Cosby. We want to give voice to the silence of trauma.  It’s about something greater, something that has weighed on our communities for far too long. This is about us […]

Push Pause on the Road to Success

Push Pause on the Road to Success

Recently, we watched and debated, Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka taking a break to care for their mental health. While many praised them for pausing and resting others questioned if they were dedicated to their profession. How many of us can relate to wanting, even desperately needing, a break but we don’t take it for […]

Check Your Email Like a Rockstar

On average, people check their email 11 times an hour. They spend their lunch hour scrolling through their email while they eat and never really taking a break. How often do you check your email? This NPR podcast provides some great tips to change your email habits. When we check our emails constantly it literally […]

You Can’t be Everything to Everyone

I am beyond overwhelmed these days. I’m wrapping up an intense class that I’ve been taking since January. My work is expanding in ways that are stretching me. And I still need and want to be present for my family and friends. A good friend reminded me to take my own advice so as I sat down […]

How to Say No like a Boss and Still be a Lady

As women we get so tripped up in being nice that we don’t consider our own needs. We give automatic yeses to situations that require nos. We agonize over saying no. What will they think? What if they think I’m a b*itch? What if they don’t ask me again? runs through our heads. How many […]