6 Ways To Trigger Happiness

We all can relate to wanting to be happy, but what does being happy really mean…and more importantly, how do we obtain it? According to Verywell Mind, happiness is defined as an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. If you’re in a constant state of dissatisfaction, here are six ways […]
5 Ways to Get Back to Feeling Like You

Not feeling like yourself? It’s ok; you’re not alone. The demands of life and traumatic experiences can leave us feeling disconnected from ourselves and our environments. Here are some tips on how to get back to feeling like you: Journal Start writing down the thoughts that keep you up at night. You may not be […]
Create Your Own Traditions This Holiday Season

When life doesn’t match the holiday festivities we see on TV and our social media timelines, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the holiday blues. Whether you’re unable to spend time with your family this year or you’re choosing your emotional health over stressful family dynamics, you can create your own holiday traditions to spark […]
How to Slow Down: 7 Ways to Kickstart Your Self-Care Journey

Are you making yourself a priority? If you’ve noticed that you’re struggling with your emotions and suffering from anxiety or depression, we’ve created a list of seven things you can do to kickstart your self-care regimen. Hug Yourself This may feel silly at first, but the benefits of hugging yourself might be worth any embarrassment. […]
4 Simple Healthy Habits You Can Practice Daily

Sometimes those self-care goals we create for ourselves can feel out of our reach with everything that’s on our to-do lists. If you’re feeling too tired and uninspired to take care of yourself, try taking baby steps to create health habits. Making small changes to your daily routine can have a big impact on your […]