Slow Down the Busy-ness of Life
Last week I heard Dr. Robin Smith speak and she made a comment that has been in my head ever since. She said, “so often we spend time flapping our wings.” Flapping our wings is the running around and feeling overwhelmed with too much to do the anxiety. It is the busy-ness of life. “How […]
Sex After Baby, it is possible!
Your entire life changes when you have a baby. Money, sleep, and energy are all in short supply. The dramatic change also has a significant effect on your relationship. Given a typical and healthy delivery, many doctors and midwives recommend that you abstain from sexual intercourse for six weeks after having a baby. While six […]
Scared of Change? Me Too!
“I’m freaking out, I need you to talk me off the ledge.” This is what I wrote to a friend yesterday. My stomach was in knots and I was having trouble focusing. I knew what was happening but I couldn’t contain it alone. I am in the midst of change. And when I am my […]
$4500 Retreat?!? Try an inexpensive at-home retreat instead
Yesterday I came across CNN’s 10 Calming Wellness Retreats. I was excited to read their suggestions and see what I could incorporate into my life. Instead I was shocked to realize that they were listing world-class luxury vacations and not retreats. According to Merriam-Webster a retreat is “a place of privacy or safety” or “a […]
Work Trauma
When people hear the word trauma they often think of physical acts of violence. The idea of workplace trauma, to some, means a violent act that occurs at work. But that’s not the kind of trauma that I’m referring to. I mean the events, interactions, relationships, and environments that exist in some work places to […]