I Have Superpowers. And So Do You.
I have superpowers. That’s right, bonafide, cape-wearing, extra strength superpowers that make me extraordinary. I know that I’m not supposed to talk about how fantastic I am. I’m supposed to second guess and doubt myself, worry all of the time, and focus solely on others. I’m not supposed to talk about the ways that me […]
Use your Extra Hour Wisely!
How often have you wished for more time? Now you have it! Daylight saving time gave us an extra hour yesterday. Most of us were thrilled with the extra hour of sleep. But within a day or two we will no longer notice that extra hour. Now that you have more time, use it wisely! […]
Demote Yourself to Happiness!
My 6 year old demoted herself in gymnastics and I couldn’t have been more proud. After two weeks of intense, 3-day a week practices she said that she loved gymnastics but was tired and school was more important than gymnastics. So she demoted herself. At 6 years old she knew her priorities, her limits, and […]
Catch It – Check It – Correct It: 3 Steps to Changing Self-Doubt
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spend time and energy on something (or someone) that isn’t good for you? Whether it’s seeing the seemingly perfect lives of everyone on Facebook or spending time with someone who constantly complains and criticizes it’s easy to find yourself in a situation that leaves you feeling empty […]
Don’t Believe the Hype! Change Your Feelings of Unworthiness
So often we get different and mixed messages from those who love us and the larger society. For every parent, sibling, or friend who supports and encourages us there are others telling us how unworthy, undeserving, or unlovable we are. And in spite of ourselves it can be easier to listen to the negativity and hurtful […]