Big Hips
Yesterday I was helping my 3 year old get dressed when she exclaimed, “I have big hips.” What?! I must have heard her wrong. “I have big hips” she repeated. My heart started racing. Where did she hear that?! It’s not something I say. Or is it and I don’t remember? I started to get […]
No, I’m not Dr. Phil
I recently had a final session with a client where we reviewed their progress. They achieved the goals that they wanted to in therapy and we were discussing our work together. “How was therapy for you?” I asked. Pause. Pause continues. I started to feel apprehensive. In my head I went over our sessions and […]
Continuing the work of 2011
I didn’t create a New Year’s resolution. I don’t like the idea of starting off the New Year with this grand idea or gesture of how I am going to change/improve/grow myself. Inevitably by March I struggle to remember what it was I was supposed to change. Instead I thought that I would enter the […]
Enough of the Bloody Images!
Everywhere you turn there are news reports of the death of Muammar Gaddafi. What has been disturbing me for the past two days is the images of his dead body EVERYWHERE. I went to the store to buy a banana and the newspaper next to the bananas had a graphic image of Gaddafi’s corpse. Later […]
Quietly Anxious
Many of my clients are ‘superwomen’, or at least they appear that way. They are Black, professional women who are often look put together even when they’re wearing sweats. But their insides tell a different story. Inside they’re churning with anxiety. Their mind is constantly racing, planning, and thinking; it’s never still or quiet. Their […]