Sex After Baby, it is possible!

Your entire life changes when you have a baby. Money, sleep, and energy are all in short supply. The dramatic change also has a significant effect on your relationship. Given a typical and healthy delivery, many doctors and midwives recommend that you abstain from sexual intercourse for six weeks after having a baby. While six […]

Scared of Change? Me Too!

“I’m freaking out, I need you to talk me off the ledge.” This is what I wrote to a friend yesterday. My stomach was in knots and I was having trouble focusing. I knew what was happening but I couldn’t contain it alone. I am in the midst of change. And when I am my […]

“Problem Child” Isn’t the same for Black children

I was reading Dr. Peggy Drexler’s Problem Child on Huffington Post about what to do when your child is the school “problem child.” It has some great tips on what parents can do to help their children but it is very clearly written for White families. Dr. Drexler recounts the story of “Ben” who in Kindergarten pushed a child to […]

$4500 Retreat?!? Try an inexpensive at-home retreat instead

Yesterday I came across CNN’s 10 Calming Wellness Retreats. I was excited to read their suggestions and see what I could incorporate into my life. Instead I was shocked to realize that they were listing world-class luxury vacations and not retreats. According to Merriam-Webster a retreat is “a place of privacy or safety” or “a […]

Saying “I’m Sorry” like you mean it

What do you do when you hurt someone you love?  Well of course you say “I’m sorry.” But what happens when that’s not enough? What happens when the apology doesn’t erase the pain that you’ve caused? Sometimes the pain stems from a betrayal like infidelity in a partnership. Other times it’s unkind words or the […]