Crabs in a Barrel
I was captivated when I first saw the Dove ad campaign where a police sketch artist draws women as they describe themselves and then as others describe them (watch the ad). The commercial brought tears to my eyes. Within 24 hours I read three different blogs decrying the advertisement and detailing the many ways the […]
Darkness cannot drive out darkness
What struck me the most about the imagines of the bombings in Boston were the people rushing to help other people. I saw police officers, EMT workers, runners, and bystanders rush to open the gates and pick up the stunned and injured. As with every disaster and crisis that occurs on our Earth it is […]
Rage is a Gift
I come from a line of defiant and rageful women. Rage is what spurred my mother to get a PhD. when her high school guidance counselor told her that she wasn’t smart enough to go to college. Rage is what caused my grandmother to leave her husband and raise 5 children on her own without […]
Be Kind, Not Nice
I stopped being nice several years ago. It left me drained and constantly lacking in relationships so I decided to stop being nice. For me being nice felt like a one-way street. I did what I thought would make other people happy. Sometimes I was right and my “niceness” would make them happy. And many […]
What do you owe and to whom?
Have you ever lost yourself in a relationship? I mean lost yourself in a way that you or people who know you don’t recognize. Where you look in the mirror, or someone says, “Who are you because you’re not the person that I know.” We have all been in relationships that don’t work. And the reasons […]