Upcoming Workshops at The Ladipo Group

“There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela Many of us make New Year’s resolutions. But the real struggle comes in keeping them! Join us for our 2014 Winter Workshop Series to help you […]

Create A Stress-Free Holiday

As enjoyable as this time of year can be it can also be very stressful. Shifting your perspective can give you more compassion for others and you can enjoy more of your holiday. Read more . . .

Running Ragged? Stop Trying To Do It All!

Are you trying to do it all and failing? Do you find yourself constantly on the go with growing to-do lists that never seem to end? There’s a secret to making it all work. You have to accept that you can’t have it all at the same time. It isn’t possible to be an incredible worker, […]

Busy Women Need Breaks Too: The Joy of Asking for Help

For many women asking for help is foreign to them. They are so busy helping others that they don’t think to or even know how to ask for help themselves. Deborah Cohan (see video) gives us a wonderful example of asking for what we need. Moments before she goes into surgery for a double mastectomy […]